Sunday, August 24, 2014


15 Types of Cosplayers


by BigFoot
There are lots of cosplayer’s types that i’ve found at comic con or any other cosplay events.
banyak tipe cosplayer yamg saya temui di berbagai ajang event cosplay

These are 15 types of Cosplayers:
15 Tipe diantaranya:
1) The Fun Loving: They often went to an event just to have fun with their friends. This type of cosplayer usually have lots of friends.
SI ASYIK: mereka ini sering datang ke acara cosplay hanya untuk bikin asik suasana bersama teman-temannya. Tipe cosplayer yang begini biasanya punya banyak teman.
2) The Competitive: Always join cosplay competition, whether it’s small or big
SI TUKANG KOMPETISI: selalu ikut ke acara kompetisi cosplay, baik itu kecil atau besar
3) The All or Nothing: Only join big cosplay events 
SI PAPAN ATAS: hanya menghadiri event cosplay yang besar
4) The Crossplayer: Never do cosplay with the same sex as they do.
SI TUKANG SILANG: gak pernah cosplay sesuai jenis kelaminnya. 
5) The Sexy: Always wearing sexy costumes.
SI SEKSI : selalu make kostum yg seksi
6) The Model: Only do photosession. We rarely see this cosplayer in an event, but their fanpage will always keep updated. 
SI MODEL : melakukan cosplay hanya untuk sesi foto semata. Jenis ini jarang kita lihat di event, tapi di fanpage mereka selalu update.
7) The Narcissistic: Never forget to take selfie, every second or every hour. Even if they’re only using the wig not the costume. And when they take someone’s cosplay picture at the event, they will be in the picture too.
SI NARSIS : Tidak pernah lupa utk berselfie ria setiap detik tiap jamnya, bahkan walau cuma pake wig doang tanpa kostum. Ketika mereka ngambil foto orang yg lagi cosplay dia gak lupa  harus ada dalam foto tersebut.
8) The Fanservice: They love to give fanservice to people. Whether it’s yaoi, yuri, sexy or straight. This type of cosplayer will do any poses for the photographers. 
SI PELAYAN PENGGEMAR: Mereka seneng ngasih pelayanan kepada penggemarnya, baik kategori Yaoi, Yuri, Seksi atau yg lempeng-lempeng aja. Tipe cosplayer kayak begini akan melakukan pose apa saja untuk para fotografer.
9) The Shy: Going to an event but embarrassed and only sits in the quiet place. Sometimes they become invisible.  
SI PEMALU : pergi ke acara tapi malu-malu dan hanya duduk di pojokan yang sepi. Kadang-kadang kehadiran mereka tidak terlihat.
10) The Super Friendly: Say hi and introduce themselves to everybody. 
SI RAMAH : Selalu menyapa dan ngenalin diri mereka ke tiap orang.
11) The Critics: Went to an event but always criticize other cosplayers. 
SI TUKANG KRITIK : Dateng ke acara tetapi selalu ngritik cosplayer lainnya
12) The Attention Seeker: Do everything to get people’s attention. Sometimes even though they didn’t know the character, they’re going to cosplay it because it’s a hot trend.  SI CAPER: Rela melakukan apa aja hanya utk mendapatkan perhatian orang-orang. Bahkan kadang-kadang mereka gak tau karakter yang mereka bawain. mereka pergi ke acara cosplay hanya karena ikutan trend aja.
13) The Photographer: Went to an event with costume just to take picture of another cosplayer 
SI TUKANG JEPRET: Pergi ke acara cosplay dengan kostum hanya untuk mengabadikan gambar cosplayer lainnya
14) The Costume Maker: Sometimes they didn’t go to an event because they have to make costumes for their clients. But when they do come, they will be awesome! 
SI PEMBUAT KOSTUM : Kadang beberapa kali mereka gak dateng ke event karena mereka harus membuat kostum utk klien mereka. Tapi jangan salah kalo mereka hadir ...kostumnya pasti dahsyat!
15) The Destroyer: They like to destroy every characters that they cosplaying as. 
SI PERUSAK : Mereka suka merusak karakter yg mereka erankan ketika sedang cosplay

So, which one are you? And are there more types?
jadi kamu tipe yg mana nih?

sumber : http://cosplaycantabile.wordpress.com/


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